Safety Kits

Special needs require specialty first aid kits and supplies for on the job safety. From landscaping / gardening, to lifeguard / swimming pool First Aid Kits. Great News... We have them all.
Each Urgent First Aid® kit has everything specially designed and packed for the needs of the job or location; Our Landscape & Gardening First Aid kit includes heavy woven bandages that stay adhered when wet, and an eye care kit for common injuries from flying debris, Likewise, the Urgent First Aid® Swimming Pool & Lifeguard kit include products for treating minor scrapes , cold pack for bruises, CPR supplies, and even a whistle with lanyard to summon help or alerts swimmers of danger. Of course, all our kits include the 52 page, full color OSHA & ANSI First Aid Guide with Official Stop the Bleed® program instructions. Keep these kits close and be prepared!
(Note: If your landscaping or gardening business is involved in tree trimming, OSHA’s CFR section 1910.269(a)(1)(i)(E) requires that employers engaged in tree trimming covered by 29 CFR § 1910.269 must comply with the medical services and first aid requirements in 29 CFR § 1910.269(b). While 29 CFR § 1910.269(b) requires employers to provide medical services and first aid as required by 29 CFR § 1910.151)